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Wednesday, October 21, 2015

Back To The future! And the future is open!

Great news on Python for BlackBerry

We are sorry for the time without an update, (we are a very small team).
The reception of our app Python makes us really glad and thankful, and we always try our best to keep improving, though being a small team with several projects makes it really difficult.
We promised that every cent earned from the sales will go directly to development. This has and will always be true.
Also our project is based on open source (in which we really believe), and we want to give something back to the community (and we strongly believe in communities).

For those reasons we think it is the best to open source our app.
To respect the people that already bought it, and to allow for further development it will remain as a paid app.
But that is not a limit, all the code is open, so every cent invested by every buyer will return to the community.
Also, don't forget we have a way to help the people that doesn't have the money or the ways to acquire the app.
At any case, if you feel like improving something or help us out with anything, you can do it.
You can access the new FAQ here.
Keep an eye open for new updates!


Tuesday, November 18, 2014

Maze Mania: Update v1.28

 Full Description and Download Links

Great News!

Maze Mania v1.28 has arrived!! In this update we worked on visual issues, to make the game more attractive and more easy to play, no matter how good you are.

Now the game includes an Animation System that can be used to animate different elements of the game. Each skin can have their own animations! This makes the game much more appealing, dynamic and flexible.

Another great news is that the game have an animated Tutorial Series, so new players can learn quickly how to play. Now the players can understand how each elements work and what they do, in an universal and fun way.

We also worked on the Custom Game menu. This allow advanced players to create their own levels to challenge themselves or their friends. The players can adjust the difficulty of each game elements separately.

Finally, we did a lot of tweaks in the main game difficulties (casual, normal, lunatic, survival) and in the Audio System. Now the game runs better and faster. Also each Skin can have their own sounds and music, so you can personalize the game to the extreme.
Remember that you can create your own skin. All you need to do is download this Skin Package and replace all the images that you want to change (and/or the sounds, music and animation files). And finally, send it to us via mail (info at and we will include your skin in future releases.

Release Notes

Update v1.28:

  • NEW! : Animation System! Now each skin can use their own animations. It's more easy to configure and to create your own new animations.
  • NEW! : Tutorials! You can learn how to play with animated tutorials of all the game modes.
  • NEW! : Create a Custom Game! Now you can combine and adjust all the elements of the different game modes to make your own difficulty.
  • IMPROVEMENT: Better Audio System. Now each skin can use their own musics and sounds.
  • IMPROVEMENT: Adjustment in game difficulties (Casual, Normal, Lunatic and Survival).
  • IMPROVEMENT: General visual issues and new graphics. It looks more clean, works faster and better.

Tuesday, October 14, 2014

Maze Mania: Update v1.25

Great News!

Maze Mania v1.25 is out and with huge changes and lots of new stuff!

We've worked hard to make the game more even interesting. One of the more important things that we did was to give more life to the characters and items. So we've added animations, music and sound effects to the game! Special Thanks to Eric Matyas (

We've also added a loading screen that will improve how you play the game. Finally, a beautiful intro scene was added, with social buttons to recommend Maze Mania to your friends!

But the biggest new is that a new mode is available: Survival!
Now you can not only play by yourself in a small device but also you can play in a cooperative mode with your friends. Survive trough 20+ levels collecting enough items to unlock the next wave. Each wave is more difficult than the previous!

At last (but not least) we're testing our new Skin System with the collaboration of Germán Salazar (GreatStudio) who did an amazing job, making an original skin for the game. He's still working on it, but you can change the game skin and try it anytime.
Also if you liked the new skin made by Germán, you can try to create your own. All you need to do is download this Skin Package and replace all the images that you want to change (and or the sound and music). And finally, send it to us via mail (info at and we will include your skin in future releases.

Remember: if you can't afford the game, read THIS POST to get the game.

Release Notes

Update v1.25:

  • NEW!: Survival Mode
  • NEW!: Wave Mode
  • NEW!: Auto-Doors mode
  • NEW!: Skin System
  • NEW!: Share
  • NEW!: Intro Scene
  • NEW!: Music added!
  • NEW!: Sound Effects added!
  • NEW!: Items and Characters animations
  • NEW!: Screen Transitions
  • NEW!: Loading Screen
  • IMPROVEMENT: Now the game is paused when it goes to background.
  • IMPROVEMENT: Now the Back Key is working (Android)
  • IMPROVEMENT: General buttons and Player resizes.
  • IMPROVEMENT: Huge game system polish and tweaks.

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