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About us 

We support entrepreneurs solving problems with creativity, improving your productivity, keeping your focus where really matters. Moongate develops software according to your necessities, we work close to you, we ensure to offer easy to use applications, designing technology for common people, without jargon, we make our products using our imagination as a service to you.

Contact: info [@]
Facebook: MoongateInteractive

Twiter: @MoongateIS

G+: +MoonGate (+MoongateAR) 
Diaspora ( : Moongate
Patreon: Patreon us
BBM Channel: C004E70DF


IT Consulting
Software development
VideoGame Development
Training, Digital Literacy
Other IT Services


Jerónimo Barraco Mármol - Architect - Manager
A young man passionate for good design, games, software, art and people. Natural leader who likes to work with groups of different and renewing partners. Always learning new techniques and technologies. Worked mainly as a freelancer. But also has experience working fulltime for international companies. With experience in a wide variety of languages; C/++/, Delphi, Pynthon, ActionScript, Java, JavaScript, Php, SQL, PL/SQL and more. 
Twitter @jerobarraco
Linkedin: nande
Ohloh: nande
Mail: jerobarraco at

Nicholas Luis Corrêa de Oliveira - Developer
He is a Webdesigner and Game Developer, interested in new technologies, he has knowledge of programming languages as PHP, C#, Python, C and C++, right now he's studying ASP.NET, Ruby On Rails, he has some notions of Coldfusion and he likes to code interactive interfaces using JQuery. He is always looking for innovations rather than for isolated technologies.

Dante Costilla
He is a young bachelor student, he loves videogames. Actually, he is studying two careers, "Tecnicatura Superior en Programación" and "Tecnicatura en Diseño
y Programación de Videojuegos". He loves to learn. He has knowledge in design and music, audio edition. Both design and music are their hobbies also. Even if he is young he has experience in the videogame market, he had some experiences as game developer, he have been in Global Game Jam, COREAR and other events organized by important game developers in his country.

Twitter: @NGDante
Mail: dante.pzt at

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